12 Following

Quirky Musings

(but mostly stupid ones)

First Test - Tamora Pierce 3.5 STARS

Being immersed in this world once again brings back all of these dear and familiar feelings-- love, affection, amusement and the all too familiar indignation from the brilliantly frustrating portrayal of sexism that seems to be a prevalent theme in her of her books.

The premise is much like that of the series Song of the Lioness, but that's just about the biggest similarity. There are a lot of distinguishing factors, especially with Keladry's character. It was wonderful and heart warming to watch Keladry gain allies with her obstinate and righteous attitude as she clawed her way into the ranks and gained respect, fighting tooth and nail with every step.

I'm not sure if I'm alone in this, but I still haven't figured out the love interest, which is fun in itself. I foresee a lot of grand battles, slaying of monsters and delicious delicious adventure and I definitely look forward to (re)familiarising with old and new characters.

A wonderful wonderful read for all teenagers +