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Quirky Musings

(but mostly stupid ones)

The King's Harem - Megan Derr 2.95

(*note I have no problem at all with the multiple relationship/harem)

I'm a huge huge fan of Ms Derr's books but I think this was one of the books that failed to draw me in to the extent that her books usually do. The writing was a pleasure to read as always, but the story itself, well, it actually didn't really have much of a story. It was basically just jumped from the POVs of all harem members and told the story of how they came to be in the harem. In each of their POVs it jumped from the past to the present etc. The longest part written in the present was at the end when the newest addition of the harem came along. I can't remember what his name was but.

Anyway I enjoyed reading about these characters, but didn't really feel any sort of connection to them. Ms Derr managed to convey the very strong camaraderie between the harem members and the king but I honestly actually didn't really feel this deep rooted true love shit so much.

Apart from that, the two short stories were really about people I didn't care much about, but I still enjoyed the first one. I didn't really like the story about the Queen too much, but I think that's because I felt betrayed that the King kissed the Queen.

After starting gaymance I think I have this weird thing where I feel betrayed when the main character kisses a female. I know the King loves the Queen and such, but after reading Sandstorm I thought the King and Queen had a strictly platonic relationship.


(feeling betrayed).

Weird. I know.

Anyway whilst the book was a bit bland and bored me in some turns, I did enjoy it.